01 |
"But one
thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be
taken away from her" - Luke 10.42 (AV)
This is one of my favourite portions of
Scripture and it accounts for the different choices that both Mary and
Martha made. Jesus had visited their home and Martha chose to get
busy preparing to entertain Him and was so busy with the chores that she
did. On the other hand, Mary chose to sit at Jesus feet and listen
to Him speak. Martha was evidently bothered that her sister was just
sitting there and not helping her prepare and so she mentioned it to
Jesus. "Lord don't you care that my sister is leaving me to do
all the work, she's not listening to me, can you tell her to help me, as
she listens to you". Listen to the reply that Jesus gave her, He
didn't say 'ok I'll tell her to come out and help'; He didn't even mention
to Mary that perhaps she ought to help her sister. He directed His
reply to Martha and said, "Martha, Martha", now whenever the
Lord uses your name twice you know He wants you to hear and
understand. "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about
many things, but one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part,
which will not be taken away from her". I like to read that
verse this way: 'Martha, you are concerned over many things except the one
thing that is absolutely necessary'. That one thing that is
absolutely necessary is that we hear from God. Martha was busy doing
the things that most people deem necessary, but Mary chose to listen to
what Jesus had to say; we too should make that our aim. It is absolutely
essential that in the midst of all the concerns, pressing needs and
requirements we face that we get hold of that 'one needful thing' - the
Word of God. Are you listening to the voice of the Lord
today? Is He speaking into your life and situations? One rhema
word from God will change our circumstances and lives forever.
Additional Reading: Luke 10.38-42
02 |
goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will
dwell in the house of the LORD for ever" - Psalm 23.6 (AV)
Isn't it good to know that the Lord is our
Shepherd. He sees to it that we do not want for anything; He causes
us to rest in and feed among the green pastures, not some dried up barren
land but verdant green, luscious pastures. He leads us to the place
of cool refreshing waters that restore our soul; and He directs and guides
our footsteps in the paths of righteousness. He is with us through
the valley experiences and brings us through them and then openly shows to
all the enemy that we are His by showering His blessings upon us.
What a great God and Shepherd He is. This closing verse of the psalm
says that goodness and mercy will surely follow us all the days of our
life. In Deuteronomy 28.2 it says that blessings will come on and
overtake those who hear and are obedient to the Word of God.
This last verse in this well known Psalm says the same thing: goodness
(His goodness, glory and power) and mercy (His unfailing love and
kindness) shall pursue and overtake me (and you!) all the days of our
life. Can you imagine that, the goodness of God pursuing you
and overtaking you everywhere you go, every day of your life. That's
not a pipe-dream brother, sister, that's reality; the blessing of God will
hunt you down and come upon you all the days of your life. So say it
loud and strong, "I'm blessed!, I'm blessed!, I'm blessed!"
Additional Reading: Psalm 23.1-6
03 |
"And all
thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be
the peace of thy children" - Isaiah 54.13 (AV)
One of the greatest concerns that often
face parents is how their children will grow up. Even many righteous
saints of God have brought their children up to know the Lord, they've
took them to church and taught them the principles of the
Word. Yet even with all this upbringing somehow their children go
away from God and go their own ways. This promise says that our
children shall be taught of the Lord, this is connected to the covenant of
peace that God promises will never be removed from His children. Our
children not only will be taught of the Lord but God will see to it that
peace (shalom) shall be great upon them. Peace is wholeness
in every area - health, prosperity, welfare and safety. God promises
to look after our children, He will teach them and look after their
welfare - that's a manifestation of His grace. It was said of Jesus
in Luke 2.40, "And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled
with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him". Grace was upon
Him and He 'increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and
man'. If that's what grace can do for Jesus, grace can keep your
children. If we have trained up our children in the way that they
should go then we can trust the grace of God to keep them. There are
many mothers that are concerned that their children are into drink, drugs,
sex and criminal activities; others may be concerned that their children
are serving in the armed forces or doing some other dangerous
job. Listen my love, quit worrying about them, put your faith into
operation where grace is concerned and believe that God will keep them and
bring them back. Grace and peace is upon them; Do you remember
the words of that famous hymn 'Amazing Grace'. One line
says that grace will lead us home - grace will bring your children home.
Additional Reading: Luke
04 |
"Then he
said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send
portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is
holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your
strength" - Nehemiah 8.10 (AV)
Joy is one of the greatest forces in the
world, it has the ability to transcend barriers that words alone
cannot. The Christian life is meant to be one of joy, there is
nothing like joy that sets Christians apart from everybody else in the
world. The world does not know joy, real joy - they might experience
extremes of happiness but if just one wind or storm hits their life, that
feeling can soon change to the opposite extreme. Joy is a God
characteristic, it's part of who He is; to have joy is to have God - to
have God is to have joy. This verse, and a few others, tell us that
it is the 'joy of the Lord', He is the source and object of our joy.
Happiness is a transient feeling that changes often; joy is an eternal
characteristic that never changes. When Nehemiah first heard the
news that Jerusalem had been destroyed, the Bible says that he wept and
mourned many days. When those that came to rebuild the walls first
saw the destruction it caused them great distress - but the joy of what
would be accomplished when the rebuilding project was complete spurred
them on. Now when the walls had been rebuilt and Jerusalem had risen
from the rubble, Ezra the priest stands up and reads from the book
of the Law. When the people are reminded what God had promised,
realising the error of their own ways, they too weep. Ezra reminds
them that what God had done with Jerusalem, He was also able to do with
them, their lives could be rebuilt - so he tells them not to be sorrowful
but rather be filled with the joy of the Lord. It was joy that
spurred them on to build the city even in the midst of persecution and
opposition; and joy gave them the strength of their
heart and caused the blessing of God to get to work in their lives.
Feelings of happiness come and go but joy remains - allow joy to work in
your life today, it will bring you through whatever trouble you may be
Additional Reading: Nehemiah 8.1-18
05 |
unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy
that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set
down at the right hand of the throne of God" - Hebrews 12.2 (AV)
I want to continue today what we began
looking at yesterday; We noted that the joy of the Lord is our strength
for any situation that we may face. We considered those who were
with Nehemiah rebuilding the walls and city of Jerusalem and said that it
was joy that spurred them on to build and brought them through the trials
of opposition that they faced. Today from the Book of Hebrews
we see that joy was the major force at work in the life of Jesus as He
faced the cross. The verse says ".. who for the joy that was
set before Him endured the cross..". The reason Jesus could
face the cross and go through with the Father's will was not just the
force of love, that is the love that He had for the world, but also the
force of joy. It was the joy that was set before Him that enabled
Him to endure the cross. "But I don't understand how
Jesus could be joyful about the cross" I hear you say. The
Scripture doesn't say that Jesus was joyful about the cross, it says it
was because of the joy that was set before Him that He was able to endure
it. What was the joy that was set before Him - it was the joy of
obtaining the prize, and you were the 'prize'. The cross itself gave Him
no joy, He didn't want to go to the cross, He even asked the Father if
there was any other way that He could redeem us. But Jesus knew what
would be accomplished by His death on the cross; you were on His mind and
that gave Him joy. It was that joy that enabled Him to go through
with the sacrifice of Himself. That's why when the authorities came
seeking Him in the garden that they might arrest Him, He could face them
and say 'I am He'. He had at His disposal twelve legions of angels
on standby ready to deliver Him from them but He never called for
them. That's the power of the force of joy - the joy of the
Lord is your strength today. Be filled with joy, it will enable you to
face any situation, however unpleasant or uncertain.
Additional Reading: Matthew 26.36-54; John 18.1-9
06 |
frankly, I don't want to be bothered anymore by these disputes. I have far
more important things to do--the serious living of this faith. I bear in
my body scars from my service to Jesus" - Galatians 6.17 (The
Several years ago I had purposed to read
through the entire New Testament from the relatively modern version called
'The Message'. As I read through it, many times certain
Scriptures opened up a train of revelation and this verse was one of
them. The Bible says on several occasions, quoting Habakkuk 2.4,
that the just shall live by faith. Faith is the lifestyle of the
just, faith is what we are meant to be about. I really like the
translation of this verse in The Message, it says: "... But
the person in right standing before God through loyal and steady believing
is fully alive, really alive". When the just live by faith
it makes them alive, really alive but all too often folk spend so much
time and effort trying to live their own ways that they don't really live
but exist. There is a big difference between living and existing,
and what most people think is living is just existing. If there is
just one thing I can get across to you today it would be this: we have far
more important things to do - like the serious living of this faith.
Paul was not wanting to be bogged down by all the disputes, arguments and
issues surrounding the law that some in the church were involved in.
He said that the life of faith was far more important for him, for the
just shall live by faith. How much time do we spend doing things or
involve ourselves in issues that really are of little consequence and
neglect the weightier things, like faith. Don't spend lots of
time on things that just leave you existing, focus on those things that
give you life.
Additional Reading: Galatians 3.1-12
07 |
"Surely I
have taught you statutes and judgments, just as the LORD my God commanded
me, that you should act according to them in the land which you go
to possess. Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is
your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will
hear all these statutes, and say, 'Surely this great nation is a
wise and understanding people.'" - Deuteronomy 4.5-6 (NKJV)
In the days prior to Israel crossing over
the Jordan into the Promised Land and just before the death of Moses, he
speaks to the congregation of people. In his message to them he
reminds them where they have come from, how God has been with them all the
years, and where they are about to go. He also tells them how they
are to conduct themselves when they come into that land. Part of
what he says is that they should be careful to obey the word of God. 'Be
careful to observe them [the statutes and judgements which God had
commanded them]..' - this he says is wisdom. The English
dictionary defines wisdom as 'experience and knowledge together with the
power of applying them critically or practically; prudence, common sense';
and Webster's dictionary says 'The right use or exercise of knowledge; the
choice of laudable ends, and of the best means to accomplish them'.
However the Bible defines wisdom as hearing and acting on the Word of God,
Jesus taught a parable about a wise house builder, He said that the wise
man heard His words and acted on them. It is not considered
politically correct in the world today to stand up and declare that this
is what God says and to live by it. The Bible is very clear on
certain subjects - it may not be politically correct but it is
correct. It is folly to know what God says and to ignore it - when
you observe all the statutes and judgements of God others will see and say
'Surely this great nation (person) is a wise and understanding
people'. It is time for the whole church to get back to obedience to
the Word of God and to stand up for what God says rather than trying to be
pleasers of men.
Additional Reading: Deuteronomy 4.1-14
08 |
did I consider myself worthy to come to You. But [just] speak a
word, and my servant boy will be healed" - Luke 7.7 (Amplified)
'Just speak the word and my servant will
be healed', these were great words of faith from a centurion which also
attracted a commendation from Jesus, 'I have not found such great
faith..'. The centurion addressed that remark to Jesus, and each one
of us has the same ability - not to ask Jesus to speak the word, but for
us to speak the word only. Do you doubt the power of your own
words? You ought not to, they are so powerful; every word you speak
is a seed sown, and those seeds always grow. Do you remember the
prophet Samuel, he was one of Israel's greatest prophets. It says of
him in the Bible that God 'let none of his words fall to the ground' (1
Samuel 3.19). Was he any different to you or me? Did he enjoy
any special privileges that are denied you? No, of course not;
he was the same as Elijah in that he had the same nature that you and I
have (see James 5.17). Jesus said of John the Baptist that he was
the greatest of the Old Testament prophets and then went on to say that
the least person in the Kingdom of God is greater than he. Your
words carry the power to bring healing to the sick, forgiveness to the
sinner - you just need to believe them. God will not allow any of
your words to fall to the ground, but you need to ensure that they are
faith words. Any idle word will also come to pass - sow those faith
seeds by speaking words of faith.
Additional Reading: Luke 7.1-10
09 |
earnest and unwearied and steadfast in your prayer [life], being [both]
alert and intent in [your praying] with thanksgiving" -
Colossians 4.2 (Amplified)
Let's consider these words for a moment
today; 'Be earnest and unwearied and steadfast in your prayer life'.
May be you can easily recognise how easy it can be to set off praying and
then after a while begin to drift off making plans, thinking on other
things, allowing the mind to become distracted. The instruction in this
verse is that we pray diligently, earnestly and steadfastly - that is we
put all our thought and effort into prayer. Prayer is one of the
greatest weapons that we have as Christians and yet at the same time it is
probably the most undervalued. The devil will try his utmost best to
prevent us from praying as he is aware of the potential and power of a
faith filled prayer. At the same time as being earnest and diligent,
we are instructed to remain alert, unwearied - that is we don't allow our
minds and spirits to become distracted. We are to be aware of the
devils devices - he would see to it that we get distracted.
Distractions will prevent us from praying the result through. If you
are prone to those distractions then let me offer you some practical
advice for your prayer-time. Be diligent, pray at set times and keep
to it, treat it like you would a business or medical appointment. That's
not irreverent, after all it is an appointment with Almighty God. If
you find your mind wandering during that time then have your prayer items
noted down on a piece of paper and follow them through. Prayer is a
powerful weapon so if you are weak in these areas, make these your focus
until they become strengths. James says: 'tremendous power is made
available through a good man's earnest prayer' (James 5.16, J B Phillips).
Additional Reading: James 5.13-20
10 |
"For all
have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" - Romans 3.23 (AV)
This is an often preached gospel message
verse where most people that use it or quote from it concentrate on the
'all have sinned' aspect. They like to try and tell us that we are
sinners, and you hear this preached in pulpits every Sunday.
"I'm just a old sinner that's been saved by grace" you hear them
say in their sermons, or you may hear it being prayed. Listen to me
child of God, you are not a sinner that's been saved, if you are saved
then you are a son of God. You may have been a sinner once, but now
you are a son, the old sinner is dead and gone and the new son has risen
with Christ. Stop using that phrase, it might sound so religious but
it is Scripturally incorrect. Now that's dealt with, I want to
consider today the rest of the verse - 'come short of the glory of
God'. I have heard this translated as 'come short of the
standard', with the emphasis on us missing the mark where God is
concerned; I have even preached this myself in times gone by. After some
meditation a few years ago, the Lord spoke to me and said that
because of sin, man fell short of the glory of God - sin separated us from
the glory. When God created Adam, He created him a glorious
creation, in His own image - no angel had ever seen or heard of a man, and
when God created him He crowned him with glory and honour. Adam
walked with God in the cool of the garden, these two glory-beings, man and
God, shared fellowship together. The glory of God covered Adam and
Eve, so that they did not even realise they were naked, all the other
animals and beasts were clothed with skin, fur, feathers or scales - but
man he was clothed with glory. When Adam sinned and fell, he fell
from that glory, now they both realised they were naked, they didn't have
the glory covering them. Because sin entered the world and that sin
nature has perpetuated down through the ages, we have all shared in that
sin nature and that nature comes short of the glory - it's the one thing
missing from man that needs to be restored. Oh yes we've inherited a
bunch of other things through sin, which are dealt with when we come to
Jesus - but the one thing above all the other things that God really wants
to restore to us, is the glory.
Additional Reading: Psalm 8.1-9
11 |
And I heard a loud voice
saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of
our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is
cast down, which accused them before our God day and night"
– Revelation 12.10 (AV)
The accuser has been
cast down – the devil has been defeated and salvation has come to the
children of God. The devil
has spun his web of lies for centuries telling God’s people that they
cannot enjoy the benefits of salvation – which include forgiveness,
healing, prosperity, deliverance and peace.
The Scripture tells us that now is come salvation; the devil wants
to keep this from you, he doesn’t want you to know this, in fact he will
tell you that one day you will be able to have it all, when you get to
heaven but until then you’re just going to have to grin and bear it.
He’s a liar my friend, the salvation of God has come now, you can
enjoy it all now. There’s a
tremendous verse in the Psalms which I love and often read and quote, it
says, ‘I would have lost heart, unless I had believed, that I
would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living’ (Psalm
27.13). This verse says that
we will see the goodness of God in the land of the living, that’s now
not later on when we get to heaven. God
wants you to know today that you can experience and enjoy His salvation
right here and right now. All
you need to do is to believe it, receive it and walk in it.
My friend, why not take the time to read through Psalms 91 and 103
and see just what God has promised you as part of salvation – it is
given to you to enjoy. Why
does the devil fight this tooth and nail, it’s because he knows that
once you get a revelation of that salvation, he’s finished as far
you’re concerned – that revelation has the power to knock him back
into his hole every time.
Additional Reading: Revelation 12.1-17
12 |
he answered and said to him, 'Sir, let it alone this year also, until I
dig around it and fertilize it"
– Luke 13.8 (NKJV)
Jesus taught this
great little parable which is inserted here in Luke 13 and often skipped
over. A landowner had a fig tree that had been planted in his vineyard;
each year he would come to it seeking fruit but find none.
As in other years he came to the fig tree to see how it was doing
and again found no fruit on it, so this time he spoke with the vineyard
manager and told him to cut the tree down. ‘It hasn’t had any fruit
these last three years; it’s taking up valuable space in the
vineyard’. Listen to what
his manager said to him in reply, ‘Master, leave it just one more year,
I’ll work the ground, fertilize it and feed it it’s proper nutrients,
then if still doesn’t bear any figs you can cut it down’.
This is a great lesson for us on patience; just giving something
more time is not enough, there is work that needs to be done - patience
isn’t about ‘just wait and see’.
You hear people use phrases like this when things aren’t working
out quite how they planned, they even use religious terminology like ‘well
brother, it’s in the Lord’s timing’, to try and justify their
situation. I firmly believe
in the Lord’s timing but that doesn’t excuse us from working our
faith. We inherit the
promises through faith and patience – that means we work at our faith,
we work at the situation and do all that we can.
The vineyard manager didn’t just say to the landowner ‘just
leave it another year and wait and see what happens’.
He said that he was going to work the land, dig it, prepare it,
feed it and fertilize it. The
Bible never tells us what actually happened the following year, but I
guess they found fruit on the tree. Stand in faith, be patient (constant
and consistent) and work at your faith – feed it, nurture it and
exercise it.
Additional Reading: Luke 13.6-9; James 1.1-8
13 |
He remember all your offerings… May He grant you according to your
heart's desire, And fulfill all your purpose" – Psalm 20.3-4 (NKJV)
You may have heard
many messages on giving, have received them and given your tithe, your
offerings and love gifts. You’ve
given up your time to do things that the Lord has impressed upon you, and
used your own holiday time to serve the Lord on a missions trip to some
other land. You have heard in
these messages, and believe, that God wants to prosper you and that there is
a harvest coming your way. But it never seems to come; you never seem to receive what
you believe you should have. I
need to encourage someone today that God never forgets what you’ve given
Him, and He is no man’s debtor. This
verse tells you that God remembers all your offerings and grants you
according to your heart’s desire, and fulfils all you purpose.
God remembers your offering – there isn’t a seed that you’ve
sown that has been forgotten. Just
two days ago from when today’s devotional was written, I found a sheet
of notepaper in a book; I had made several entries on this piece of paper
many years previous, it was a list of offerings and gifts I had given –
I had forgotten all about them and was pretty sure that I hadn’t
received the harvest from them. As
I read through these entries the Lord quickly prompted me that He had not
forgotten them even though I had. The
Word of the Lord for you today is this: “I have not forgotten your seeds
sown - I have not forgotten your offerings, nor your labour of love, even
though you may have forgotten them, I have not.
If you will stand in faith, believing those forgotten seeds you
have sown will come to harvest, then you will see the harvest, and then
you will know that I am the Lord and I never forget a seed sown”.
Additional Reading: Psalm 20.1-9
14 |
let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet
urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful" – Titus 3.14 (NKJV)
In his writings to the
church in Galatia, Paul says ‘let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore as we
have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of
the household of faith’ (Galatians 6.9-10).
Twice he uses the terminology ‘doing good’ and it is understood
to mean giving, not just good deeds but also finances.
Earlier in the chapter he mentions about sharing in all good things
with those who teach the word, again he’s talking about giving to those
who minister. In Matthew 26 we read of Mary who anointed Jesus with the
precious oil of spikenard, this has to be one of the greatest
illustrations of someone giving to God, not just of her worship and
adoration but also something of great monetary value.
Jesus said of her, ‘she has done a good work for Me’ (verse
10). Jesus likened giving to doing good works and so did the
apostle Paul. In our verse
today it says that we should maintain good works and meet urgent needs so
that we will not be unfruitful. We
said yesterday that God is no man’s debtor; when we give to Him, He sees
to it that we do not go without. If
you want to be fruitful in your living then ensure that you are giving and
maintain that good work. Paul
said in Galatians that we will reap if we do not lose heart; that is, if
we maintain good works. Be a
giver, bless the household of faith, meet urgent needs – God will see to
it that you are a fruitful person, abounding in all things unto good works
(2 Corinthians 9.6-11).
Additional Reading: Titus 3.12-15; 2 Corinthians 9.6-11
15 |
I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant
increase of favors] and make your name famous and distinguished, and
you will be a blessing [dispensing good to others]"
– Genesis 12.2 (Amplified)
There can be no doubt
from reading the Bible that God intends us to prosper in all things.
It is written all through the Scriptures, and yet it is amazing why
so many church folk fight it with every fibre of their being.
They don’t mind you being rich and wealthy if it has come by hard
work or by inheritance; but the moment you say that God has blessed you
they get their feathers ruffled and get uptight.
Where did the idea that God wants us poor come from?
Not from Scripture that’s sure, it came from satan himself.
The devil knows that once a child of God gets the revelation on
prosperity that he’s on the run. The
blessing of prosperity will finance the Gospel to the whole world and get
somebody saved. The world has
had it with poverty, they’ve experienced it first hand and don’t like
it – they can’t have anything, do anything or go anywhere.
That in essence is what poverty does it keeps you in lack, not
having enough – not enough money to have anything, not enough vision to
do anything and not enough motivation or time to go anywhere.
God wants you to prosper – He wants you to have enough to meet
your own needs and then meet somebody else’s; He wants you to have the
vision, the finances and resources for worldwide evangelism; and then He
wants you to have enough money so that you can be released from the
Babylonian system of ‘working for a living’ so that you have the time
and energy to go wherever and whenever He leads.
That’s why God wants you to prosper, it’s not about you it’s
about other people - it’s a selfish and carnal person that says
Additional Reading: 2 Corinthians 8.1-24; 3 John 1.2
16 |
"Not for
your righteousness or for the uprightness of your [minds and]
hearts do you go to possess their land; but because of the wickedness of
these nations the Lord your God is driving them out before you, and that
He may fulfill the promise which the Lord swore to your fathers, Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob." - Deuteronomy 9.5 (Amplified) Verse
4 starts off "Do not say in your [mind and] heart, after the
Lord your God has thrust them out from before you, It is because of my
righteousness that the Lord has brought me in to possess this
land". We are not think in our hearts that what God has done
for us is due to our righteousness or worthiness; It is not because
of our efforts and actions or because we have earned it in some way.
It is because of the goodness and grace of God that we enjoy all the
victories and blessings that we have. This verse says that it is
'that He may fulfil the promise' which He made with Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob. God does good things for us and gives us victory in order to
fulfil His word - He cut covenant with Abraham, a covenant of
blessing. God is ever watching over His Word in order that He may
establish and fulfil that covenant. Are you harassed by habits
and bondages? Do you always seem to be defeated? Are you
burdened with sicknesses and diseases, or by sin? Victory is
your covenant right - you can be victorious, not because of who you are or
what you have done, but because of the covenant that God has with
you. He leads you into victory and always causes us to triumph
so that His Word is established in your life and in the earth.
Additional Reading:
Deuteronomy 9.1-6
17 |
"In the
secret place of Your presence You hide them from the plots of men; You
keep them secretly in Your pavilion from the strife of tongues" -
Psalm 31.20 (Amplified) When
we wait on the Lord we are ushered into His presence. The Psalmist
says, 'He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide
under the shadow of the Almighty' (Psalm 91.1). The secret place,
what a lovely poetic phrase that is; but it is not just a poetic place, it
is reality. When we wait on the Lord we enter that secret place,
that place where no ungodly person can get into. In that secret
place we are hidden from the plotting and scheming of men. There is
no place like the presence of the Lord; there we find fullness of joy, and
there is shelter and safety from the enemy. In the secret place of
God's presence the enemy has no access, and so he cannot know what the
Lord says to you. When you wait on the Lord in His presence, you are
rejuvenated and filled; ready for the battle again. It's good to
have some rest and retreat time, get into the secret place and rest in God
- there's no place like it and it should be cherished.
Additional Reading:
Psalm 91.1-16
18 |
"Do not be
hasty to go from his presence. Do not take your stand for an evil thing,
for he does whatever pleases him" - Ecclesiastes 8.3 (NKJV) Yesterday
we said that there is nothing like being in the secret place of His
presence, it's a place and time that we should cherish; do not be
too hasty to leave His presence. As a musician I find it real easy
to get into that place where it's just me and God, I start worshipping on
the guitar or keyboards and very soon I am ushered into that place.
But you don't need to be a musician to enter the secret place - you just
need to come before Him in praise and worship. I struggle to
understand why so many Christians don't like worship, I am amazed at how
many have never had the experience of being in that secret place where
time has no consequence. I find often that when I'm in the presence
of the Lord that a couple of hours pass very quickly. We should have
no time restraints for being in the presence of the Lord, this verse says
that we are not be so hasty to go out of His presence. There was a
great little worship song written some years ago by Noel Richards, part of
which says, 'To rest in Your presence not rushing away, To cherish each
moment, Here I would stay'. Let's make it a desire of our heart
to come often into that secret place and not to rush away so hastily,
these times are precious moments and should be cherished.
Additional Reading:
Ecclesiastes 8.1-13
19 |
"A father
of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy
habitation." - Psalm 68.5 (AV) Every
year, somewhere around this time we celebrate Father's Day. This is
a day where we can appreciate our fathers and show them how much we love
and think of them; to make it special for them. God has a special
calling for fathers, and places a lot of responsibility on them.
There are too many in the Kingdom of God that are without a
father-figure. In the church we have many pastors, many leaders, but
not too many fathers. We are very familiar with a mother's love and
you often hear people talking about that kind of love - but what about the
father's love. We see it in society today, that where there is an
absence of a father the child suffers; maybe not physically, maybe not
mentally but there is something missing. Without a father, there is
no example to our children, and even in extreme cases because of that lack
of a father or that fatherly love many of our young women grow up hating
men or never being able to nurture relationships with them. Some
fathers have abused that love for their children, and often those children
in turn end up being abusers themselves. We must never draw a
parallel between God and an absent or abusive Father; Never base your
opinion or concept of God on your experience with your earthly father -
for He is love. Fathers, take God as your perfect example for
parenting, follow that example. Show your fathers some love today;
if you have become estranged from your father try and make some roads to
mend that rift. Tell your Heavenly Father how much you appreciate
Him today. Men, rise up and be the father that God intends you to be
- the church needs fathers; the fatherless need a father - we need you to fulfil
that father's role.
Additional Reading:
6.1-9; Colossians 3.20-25
20 |
"I am the
Bread of Life [that gives life--the Living Bread]" - John 6.48
(Amplified) The
Lord opened my eyes to something in His word only yesterday which I want
to share with you today and tomorrow. These few verses are loaded
with revelation, in it Jesus said that He is the Bread of Life. This
is likened to the Word of God, of course Jesus Himself is called the Word
of God. We have food so that we grow, and the Word of God will feed
us so that we grow. Stunted growth in Christians is caused by a lack
of the Word; I have seen many new Christians develop in their walk
with God over many years, they are seemingly good Christians but then they
act and talk like new Christians. It is evident that they have been
Christians many years but have never grown up - when you speak with them
you soon discover that they never spend any time in the Word. Their
growth is stunted because of a lack of the Word; the Word of God is bread
to our spiritual life. If you really want to develop and grow you
must spend time in the Word; that's not just reading it but taking time to
meditate on it, ponder it, allow the Spirit of God to bring revelation
from it - that's what causes growth.
Additional Reading:
John 6.22-59
21 |
replied, I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never be hungry,
and he who believes in and cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me will
never thirst any more (at any time)" - John 6.35 (Amplified) Yesterday
I began to share some of the things that the Lord revealed to me a couple
of days ago. The Word of God is bread to our spiritual life that feeds us
and causes growth. When we feed upon that bread we shall never more
be hungry again - that's what this verse promises. But it also says
that those who believe in Jesus will never thirst, believing is not just
an acknowledgement or a statement that we believe. The Scripture
says that even the demons believe; believing is as is translated here in
the Amplified Bible, believing in and cleaving to Jesus, trusting and
relying on Him. That's what faith is - faith is believing in,
cleaving to, trusting in and relying on Jesus and His Word. When we
live that life of true faith we will never more thirst. The Word
feeds us like bread and faith in that Word will mean that our thirsting is
quenched, in other words we will be truly satisfied. Faith will
truly satisfy us. These few verses in John 6 are pregnant with
revelation, yesterday we saw that we need the Word of God to grow and
today we see that faith in that Word not only causes us growth but cause
us to live, truly satisfied - it's no wonder that the disciples could say
to Jesus, 'to whom shall we go, you have the words of eternal life'
(v68). Many of the disciples got offended at these words and turned
away from following Jesus. Don't be like them; receive the Word,
embrace it and put your faith and trust in it, it will satisfy you.
Additional Reading: John 6.60-71
22 |
be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful." - Luke 6.36 (NKJV) This
verse tells you that you should show mercy, why? Because your
Heavenly Father is merciful. As a Christian you should strive to
become more like Jesus and to imitate Him. How does God show mercy?,
well lets turn to verse 35 to answer that question. The Bible says:
(1) 'Love your enemies'; love transcends all barriers.
Language barriers are torn down, race barriers come down, denominational
barriers come down; love has the ability to go beyond any natural or
man-made barriers. Love your enemies, God so loved the world that He
gave them Jesus, even though they hated Him, rejected Him and nailed Him
to a cross; still God loved them. (2) 'do good and lend, hoping for
nothing in return'; the next thing that God does in showing mercy is
that He constantly gives. The wicked still enjoy some of the same
blessings that come upon the righteous - the shining sun, the beautiful
creation, not to mention health and healing and such. Even though
they may not acknowledge that these things come from Him, nor give Him any
thanks, yet He still shows them that same kindness. Listen to this
verse in the Amplified version, 'So be merciful (sympathetic, tender,
responsive, and compassionate) even as your Father is [all these]'.
That's what God expects of you as well - be merciful, be like Him.
Additional Reading:
1 John 3.16-24; 3 John 1.11
23 |
"And they
sang together by course in praising and giving thanks unto the LORD;
because he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever toward
Israel. And all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised
the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid" -
Ezra 3.11 (AV) Some
Christians and groups don't see the necessity of audible praise in their
gatherings; I know a man that cannot be bothered with 'all that singing
and stuff'. One thing that is certain is this, it was definitely a
big thing with God, and still is. As soon as the foundations of the
new Temple were laid, there was a orchestra of trumpeters and
percussionists playing cymbals giving praise to God. In response to
the musical symphony the people began to praise the Lord with their voice
by singing what is believed to be Psalm 136. Praise has always been
a big thing with God, it gives Him pleasure. I believe that we ought
to do the best we can and be as 'professional' as we can, but even then
God doesn't look at how good or professional we are, He looks at our
heart. Those who worship Him, must worship Him in spirit and
truth. Next time you are in a service, don't treat the praise time
as a time for catching up on the latest news with your neighbour; or a
time to read through the bulletin or service sheet. Our praise to
God is a big thing, when the people began to praise the Lord in the very
first Temple, that built by Solomon, the Bible tells us that God was so
into praise that He Himself came down into the gathering. The place
was filled with the cloud and the glory and that knocked everyone over on
their faces. Big up on God and He'll big up on you; give Him praise
and He will joy over you.
Additional Reading: Ezra 3.1-13
24 |
brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love" -
Song of Solomon 2.4 (AV) This
verse says 'His banner over me is love'; A banner is a military term and
was the standard under which armies marched, they followed the banner into
battle. You see something similar even today in many tourist places,
if you see a group being shown around many sites of interest, particularly
if that group is large the group-leader will carry something like a flag,
or umbrella, or something that is distinguishable which can be held
aloft. The group will then see that 'banner' and follow it on to the
next site. If members of the party get separated then all they need
do is look for the 'banner' and they find their way back to the
group. Well this verse says that love is our banner, love is the
most excellent way (1 Corinthians 12.31). When we follow after and
pursue love, we are following the banner; this banner will bring us to the
banqueting house. A banqueting house was a place of abundance, it is
not a place where you have a snack, a full blown meal is provided; It is a
place of prosperity, provision and abundance. Love will bring us to the
place of blessing and abundance; the Scripture says that when we are
rooted, grounded and walk in love we are in the place where God is able to
do exceeding, abundantly above all that we ask or think. Let love be
your banner, seek it out, pursue it and follow after it - it will bring
you to that place of blessing.
Additional Reading: Song of Solomon 1.1-17; Ephesians
25 |
"And said,
If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt
do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his
commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases
upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the
LORD that healeth thee" - Exodus 15.26 (AV) Here
is a direct promise from the Word of God that also tells us that it is
God’s will to heal us. Here God proclaims that He is the Lord that heals
us; He is the Lord your healer, keep reading and saying those words until
you get a revelation of it. He
is your healer and this promise is that none of the diseases that came on
the Egyptians will come upon His children. We need to believe that God does not put sickness and disease
on His children, although this translation of the Bible says ‘I will put
none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon..’.
One thing we need to understand and learn is the difference between
the causative and permissive will of God; the causative is where God
causes something to happen and the permissive is where God permits or
allows something to happen. Unfortunately
there are many Scriptures that have been translated in the causative when
they should have been in the permissive.
This is one of those so that this Scripture should be read as:
“I will allow (permissive) none of these diseases to come
on you, which I allowed (permissive) to come upon the Egyptians:
for I am the Lord that healeth (causative) thee”.
Don’t entertain those thoughts and words that say that God brings
sickness and disease – He does not cause sickness, He causes healing to
spring forth.
Additional Reading: Exodus 15.1-27
26 |
I am the LORD: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall
come to pass; it shall be no more prolonged: for in your days, O
rebellious house, will I say the word, and will perform it, saith the Lord
GOD" – Ezekiel
12.25 (AV)
Although I only
touched on it yesterday, part of that Scripture said ‘I am the
Lord..’, in today’s verse we read the same words.
God says ‘I am the Lord’ – the Hebrews knew exactly what was
being said here. The word
Lord as it appears in these verses, (that is first letter capitalised and
the other three in small capitals) is the word for Jehovah, the
Self-existent and Self-revealing Deity.
Because He reveals Himself to man and has a relationship with him,
Jehovah is known as the covenant-keeping God; this verse shows us that in
black and white. God says
‘I am the Lord, I will speak, and the word that I speak will come to
pass’, in simple English this says: ‘I am Jehovah, I make a covenant
with you and I will keep it and bring it to pass’.
Too often we mistakenly doubt God’s word; how can we doubt it?
It is God’s covenant with us and it will surely come to pass.
For many years we have used the words “God’s not through
blessing you, what He says, He will do” – whatever He says, you can
take it to the bank that it will come to pass, it has to, no if’s or
but’s, He is God and can never break His word.
Additional Reading: Psalm 89.19-37
27 |
unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and
to depart from evil is understanding"
– Job 28.28 (AV)
The fear of the Lord
is the beginning of wisdom, so says Proverbs, this fear is not the deathly
fear that comes from the devil, but rather a worshipful reverence - this
type of reverence is the beginning of wisdom.
There are lots of young people that think that they’re wise, in
fact many young people have this idea that they know much more than their
parents. Even many adults
would say that they are wise but true wisdom has nothing to do with how
old a person is, how well educated they are or their status in the
community. True wisdom is
based on our relationship with Jesus – the fear of the Lord, the worship
and reverence of God, is wisdom. To
hear His words and keep them is also defined as wisdom according to the
Bible. We can conclude that
fearing the Lord and keeping His words is what wisdom is built on –
that’s the principal thing.
Additional Reading: Proverbs 1.1-9; Proverbs 9.10-12
28 |
Noah found grace (favor) in the eyes of the Lord"
– Genesis 6.8 (Amplified)
The Bible says, ‘The Lord saw that the
wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination and
intention of all human thinking was only evil continually. And the Lord
regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved at
heart’ (vs 5-6, Amplified).
When the whole world was living according to their own pleasures,
acting wickedly, having evil intentions continually, God sought to see if
He could find a just man, a man that would trust Him.
As He looked for such a man, He regretted that He had made man and
was grieved in His heart. Can
you just imagine what God felt like, throughout the whole earth, among all
those that He had created, God saw that men were only intent on doing
evil. They were just living
according to their own rules; here was a world that didn’t want God.
Does that sound familiar; we are living in a world just like that,
a world that has shut God out of their lives.
But God found Noah, a just and righteous man, and Noah found grace
in the eyes of the Lord. Look
what the grace of God can do! God
had purposed to destroy the earth and everyone in it, but grace spared
Noah and his family; the favour of God was upon him.
In this world of unrighteousness, a world that doesn’t want God,
the grace of God will be on you and deliver you, just as it did for Noah,
you can count on it. That’s
what grace does – it blesses, prospers, heals and sets free; it is the
favour of God on you.
Additional Reading: Genesis 6.1-22
29 |
all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the
glory of God by us"
– 2 Corinthians 1.20 (AV)
There is something
about the glory of God that is often overlooked – the glory brings about
manifestations of God’s goodness and miraculous power.
Glory, by definition, means ‘heavy or weighty’ and when the
glory is revealed, we see the full weight and heaviness of God in power.
When the glory is present, God is heavy in goodness; heavy in
favour; heavy in miraculous power. Because God is heavy and weighty
towards us, He has given us many ‘exceedingly great and precious
promises’ in His Word (2 Peter 1.4).
The glory of God brings with it the manifestation of every one of
these promises that God has made. This
verse tells us that all the promises are Yes and Amen in Him that the
glory of God might be revealed in us.
God wants us to trust Him so that His glory is revealed in us.
There are healing promises, victory promises, salvation promises,
and prosperity promises. There
are promises for peace and security, welfare of your children and
families, and protection and deliverance.
All these promises are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus so that the
glory might be manifest in you.
Additional Reading: 2 Corinthians 1.12-24
30 |
you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things." – 1
John 2.20 (NKJV)
There are people that
talk of the anointing as though it is some emotional feeling that they get
when they are in a meeting, neither is it some thrill that people
experience. Now the anointing can be manifest in meetings, it can be
felt for it is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. One person said
that the anointing was the unction to function, it is the unction of the
Holy Spirit, the power of God that comes upon a person to enable them to
preach, sing, pray or do whatever needs to be done in a given
situation. In the book of Luke, Jesus said that His disciples were
to wait for the Promise of the Father. He specifically told them to
wait for the anointing, "And, behold, I send the promise of my Father
upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with
power from on high" (Luke 24.49). That's what the anointing is,
'power from on high'; again He told them "But ye shall receive power,
after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto
me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the
uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1.8). The anointing is the
unction of the Holy Spirit to function in the thing which God has given
you to do. It teaches you how to operate, how to flow; it is not
something that can be learned for it is a supernatural power that comes
upon a person. In the natural flesh I find it hard to talk to
people, but when the anointing comes upon me to preach or pray for the
sick, I am like a completely different person. I receive the unction
that I need to get the Word across, to speak that prophetic utterance, or
to pray that prayer of faith and see the sick healed. There is a
misconception that all the things Jesus did in His earthly ministry, the
miracles and healings, happened because He was the Son of God. Jesus
was the Son of God but that position gave Him no right to function in the
earth. Everything Jesus did, He did as a man, and Jesus needed that
unction to do them. When He was baptized by John, the Holy Spirit
came upon Him; after that anointing He could proclaim "The Spirit of
the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to..." (Luke
4.18). He was anointed to preach, anointed to heal, anointed to set
people free. The anointing is the unction to function, Jesus needed
it and so do you and I.
Additional Reading: Acts
1.1-14; Acts 2.1-4