01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15   16
17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31


01 "[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope]"  - Philippians 3.10 (Amplified)

I really like New Years Day, I suppose its the thought that all the things that occurred last year, good or bad have passed and we're stepping into a year that's new and fresh.  Many people make resolutions today which may or may not last beyond the end of the month.  In our verse today, Paul states that his determined purpose is to know Jesus, to become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him.  If there is one resolution that you make today, make the same one that Paul made.  As you become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, you will begin to perceive, recognise and understand more of His person and that will produce an outflow of resurrection power in your life.  This is not something that will happen in one day, it's progressive, but you need to make that decision one day.  What better way to start this new year than making it today. Spend time in prayer and fellowship with God, get to know Him more and more. You'll be glad you did.

Suggested Additional Reading:   Philippians 3. 7-15


02 "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons, And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father" - Galatians 4. 4-6 (AV)

Father God sent Jesus, His Son, into the world at Christmas.  He sowed Him into this world so that He might receive a harvest of many sons.  But He doesn't want sons that are estranged from Him, so He deposited the Spirit of Jesus within us so that He might have fellowship.  Have you ever noticed how often Jesus withdrew, often from the busyness and pressures of ministry to talk with His Father.  At times He got up early, even before daybreak, to spend quality time with His Father.  Some times He would spend all day alone with God.  That's the kind of fellowship that God wants with us - the word Abba means 'Father' but it is not just a loose term for father it is an intimate term, the closest word we have in English is 'Daddy'.  Do we see God as our Daddy or is He just Father God to us - that all depends on how much we fellowship with Him.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Romans 8. 1-17


03 "Beloved, we are [even here and] now God's children; it is not yet disclosed (made clear) what we shall be [hereafter], but we know that when He comes and is manifested, we shall [as God's children] resemble and be like Him, for we shall see Him just as He [really] is" - 1 John 3.2 (Amplified)

We've spent these last couple of days just thinking about the relationship we have as sons.  The more time we spend with God the more like Him we become.  There is a saying, you may have heard it - like father, like son. We should make it our aim and goal to be like Him.   Many sons have a desire to grow up and be like their fathers, particularly where the father is just and righteous. They've seen their fathers handle situations in the home, dealing with burst pipes, mending cars, attending to the garden and the sons grow up with a knowledge and ability to do the same.  When we get close to God we see how He handles situations that come up in life, we see Him loving, giving, showing mercy and that knowledge of Him infiltrates our whole way of thinking and being until we resemble and become like Him.

Suggested Additional Reading:  1 John 4. 12-21


04 "For we walk by faith [we regulate our lives and conduct ourselves by our conviction or belief respecting man's relationship to God and divine things, with trust and holy fervor; thus we walk] not by sight or appearance." - 2 Corinthians 5.7 (Amplified)

This verse has been a foundation verse for me and the ministry.  We walk or live by faith, that is, our lives should be regulated by the things that we believe and hold on to.   We do not walk by sight or the things that are visible around us.  Our lives are not regulated by circumstances or feelings but by the Word of God.  Romans 10.17 tells us that 'faith comes by hearing the Word of God', so that's what we put our trust and confidence in.  Our circumstances and feelings are subject to change and are therefore not reliable - the Word of God never changes thus we can build on it as a firm foundation.  It doesn't matter how bad it looks, how difficult the circumstances appear, how sick you feel - God's Word is true!  Believe It!  Stand on it!  Speak it! - the things which are seen (circumstances, problems, pressures, feelings) are temporary, that means they are subject to change. They change by the power of the continually spoken Word.

Suggested Additional Reading:  2 Corinthians 4.13-18


05 "These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock" - Matthew 7.24 (The Message)

We noted yesterday that God's Word was a foundation for our lives.  In the parable that Jesus taught from which our verse is taken today.  Jesus said that the one who builds on a solid foundation is a wise man or woman.  Why would you build on shifting sand?, how long will the building last?  Not long at all, at the first storm the building would collapse.  This is not just a Sunday School story but a life changing message.  Do you like the translation of this verse from The Message?  God's Word is not an optional extra for our lives that we can treat as a decoration but rather it is to be worked into our lives daily so that it becomes foundational.  It is the only sure rock that can withstand all the storms of life, the onslaught of hell itself cannot prevail against it.  God's Word is the key that unlocks the kingdom of God for you.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Matthew 16. 13-19


06 "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice" - Philippians 4.4 (AV)

The instruction contained in this verse is a key to receiving from God, because a thankful heart opens up a channel for the blessing to work.  Rejoice, be joyful in the Lord at all times - Paul emphasises this by repeating it again.  The Amplified says: "delight and gladden yourselves in Him".  There are many Scriptures that encourage us to be joyful, praising and thankful people. Proverbs 17.22 say "a merry heart doeth good like a medicine" - a rejoicing heart produces healing; Psalm 37.4 says "delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart" and another found in Isaiah 61.7 says "For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them" - in other words, those who rejoice will receive a double portion.  On one occasion as I was driving, the presence of the Lord was so strong in the car.  I began to thank God for some things that He had done for me, as I began to praise Him for them, He began to remind me of other things He had done.  I continued to thank Him for all these other things and very soon over an hour had passed.  I was greatly encouraged and He was greatly blessed as it brought joy to His heart.  Go ahead and rejoice, and then rejoice again.

Suggested Additional Reading:  1 Thessalonians 5. 14-24


07 "When righteous men do rejoice, there is great glory..." - Proverbs 28.12 (AV)

We said yesterday that a thankful heart opens up a channel for the blessing to work.  In our verse today we read that there is great glory when righteous men rejoice.  The literal meaning of the word glory is 'heavy, weighty' and the best way for us to describe the glory is His greatness.   In the Old Testament, Moses asks God to reveal His glory to him.  The Scripture goes to to describe all the goodness of God that passed before him.  God's glory is His goodness, His greatness, His power and His might.  Listen to the translation of this verse from Young's Literal Translation: "In the exulting of the righteous the glory is abundant".  When we rejoice in the Lord there is an abundance of the glory of God - the glory that brings the blessing, His goodness, His power, might, greatness and His mercy and grace.  Do you need to experience some of that blessing in your life today - then rejoice, give praise and be joyful in the Lord and expect the glory to manifest in your life.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Exodus 33. 12-23


08 "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place" - 2 Corinthians 2.14  (AV)

Paul had gone into Troas to preach the gospel and God opened some doors for opportunities to preach and minister.  Even though he was experiencing the anointing of God on his preaching, he was in a state of unease and his spirit was not at rest.  Paul makes it clear in verse 13 that this was because he had searched for his preaching companion Titus and was not able to find him.  He was awaiting some news from the church at Corinth which was to come by the hand of Titus.  So Paul left Troas and went on to Macedonia thanking God, even though he was experiencing uneasy times, that He was always caused to triumph because of Christ, the Anointed One and His anointing.  The anointing causes us to triumph in every situation and brings the savour of the knowledge of God into every situation.  You may be experiencing uneasy times today but you can rest in the assurance that the anointing upon your life will cause you to triumph or make you victorious.  It will bring the manifest presence of God right into the midst of the situation. Thank God today for the anointing upon you and confess that it's causing you to triumph.

Suggested Additional Reading:  1 John 2. 15-29


09 "For the mountains shall depart And the hills be removed, But My kindness shall not depart from you, Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed," Says the LORD, who has mercy on you" - Isaiah 54.10 (NKJV)

What a great promise from a great God.  Even though the whole world may collapse all around us we are guaranteed two things from God - His kindness and His covenant of peace.  God is a covenant-keeping God, He can never break that covenant.  Unfortunately in today's society covenants are easily broken or nullified, but this cannot happen where God is concerned. A covenant was for life, death was the only way to be released from a covenant.  That's why the part of the marriage service says 'until death us do part'.  The covenant that God has with us is one of kindness and one of peace.  Peace is 'wholeness in every area, nothing missing'.  God's covenant with you is one of wholeness in every area of your life with nothing missing.   Is your world collapsing around you, stand strong on the promises of God, you have a covenant of peace and wholeness, with manifestations of His kindness - and that's guaranteed.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Genesis 17.1-22


10 "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" - Matthew 18.20 (AV)

I grew up in a small country church and for years I have heard people quote this verse.  Nothing wrong with that, except the way they were quoting it was to try and justify the lack of numbers.  Whilst I believe what the verse says with all my heart - that God is in the midst of those who gather in His name even if there are just two or three, and believe me I've sat in many a meeting where there were just two of us, yet God has blessed that time together.  It wasn't until several years ago as I was meditating that verse, that it suddenly dawned on me that God Himself was actually in our midst.  Every time we meet together God is in the midst in great power - power to save, power to heal, power to deliver and bless.  There is nothing that is beyond Him.  A couple of weeks ago we were celebrating Christmas, one prophecy that is often read from Isaiah 7.14 is: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel".  In the New Testament, Matthew (Matthew 1.23) writes and gives us the interpretation of that name - Immanuel means God with us.    That promise from Jesus was not to make us feel justified in having a meeting but rather that we might know that our great God Himself is right with us. Take some time today to meditate on that thought - God is with us, and praise Him for His greatness, His power and His might at work in you today.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Isaiah 7.11-14; Matthew 1.18-25


11 "And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian" - Genesis 39.2 (AV)

Yesterday we thought about the truth that God is with us.  We see in the Old Testament that there is an often used phrase; "The Lord was with him".  Let's take a couple of minutes today to consider what this means by looking at the life of Joseph.  This statement is used directly to explain why he was so successful and prospered in everything that he put his hand to - four times in this chapter we read those words (vs 2, 3, 21, 23).  This statement, according to verse 5,  is a direct reference to the Blessing of the Lord that was at work on him.  Even though it may have appeared not to go right for Joseph, he was wrongly accused, thrown into prison and forgotten about, yet still the Blessing was at work prospering him.   It doesn't matter who you are, where you are, what country you live in, what your status is - the Blessing is working for you.  Now we can see the importance of the words of Jesus that we saw yesterday; "I am with you".  What He is saying is that the Blessing of the Lord is at work in us, causing us to be victorious, prosperous and successful.  Spend these next few moments just thanking God for His presence with you today, the blessing is at work right now to bring you out of the circumstances that have kept you bound.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Genesis 39.1-23


12 "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High" - Psalm 92.1 (AV)

I've seen many people that don't bother joining in during the praise time in church, their reasons are wide and varied. For some they don't think they can sing, others don't like the songs that are sung, some don't like certain instruments or the worship leaders. Still others don't even turn up for the start of services and they deceive themselves with the excuse, 'It doesn't matter if I'm a few minutes late, it's only the praise time".  Didn't you know that the Bible declares that it is a good thing to give thanks and to sing praise.  It is good for you to do it, whether you think you can sing or not.   I'm not the world's best singer, my family might even groan within themselves when I announce that I'm going to sing, but when I do I sing to the Lord, I know that it is good to give thanks and sing.  Many hundreds of times through the Bible we have the instruction to give thanks and sing.  It's a really big thing with God - when we give thanks and praise we are giving honour to God, glorifying Him.  Paul could write that it is the "will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thess 5.18, NKJV) and again we read that we should "offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually" (Hebrews 13.15, AV).  Why not take a few moments right now and sing a song of praise to God.  He'll be pleased and you'll be glad you did - it will do you good!

Suggested Additional Reading:  Psalm 92.1-15


13 "Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee" - Isaiah 12.6 (AV)

We ended our thoughts yesterday with a verse from Hebrews 13.25 which tells us to continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God.  That verse goes on to say that praise is the 'fruit of our lips'.  This is not something that can be done under our breath or inside.  I heard once of a lady that sat through a service and didn't move her lips once, in fact she got quite agitated particularly when the preacher was preaching about praising God. After the service she met the preacher at the door and told him, "I want you to know that I'm praising God on the inside".  That doesn't line up with Scripture, our verse today says, "Cry out and shout.."  Cry out!, Shout!  You cannot do that on the quiet.  Listen to some of the other commands found in this chapter: Call upon His name (v4); Declare His deeds (v4); Make mention of His name (v4); Sing to the Lord (v5).  You cannot do any of those things without opening your mouth and allowing something to come out.  In fact, if we are truly a praising people inside then it has to come out of our mouth vocally.  Jesus said: "For out of the fullness (the overflow, the superabundance) of the heart the mouth speaks" (Matthew 12.34 Amp.) - If it's inside then let it flow out.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Isaiah 12.1-6


14 "Then David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod. So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet" - 2 Samuel 6.14-15 (NKJV)

One of the biggest issues that most people face when it comes to praising God is that of fear.  What will others think of me?  One of the first lessons we need to learn is that to lay aside any inhibitions that we might have and just do it.  A couple of days ago we saw that it is good to give thanks to God.  This is between God and you, no one else.  You're not praising them, you're praising Him.  King David couldn't care less who was watching him, he was going to give praise to God.  He hitched up his garments and danced with all his might.  He didn't dance for those around him, he didn't do it for his wife. The Bible tells us he danced before the Lord.  The next lesson we need to learn is that we don't become like Michal.  She was an observer, looking on with a critical spirit.  We can easily get into that trap when we don't praise God ourselves, soon we look at others - 'who does she think she is?', 'if only he knew what he looked like', 'do they know they're out of tune?'.  They are not  praising God for you, or for the church, they are doing it as unto the Lord.  Learn from Michal, that critical spirit cost her dear - she remained barren for the rest of her life.  Learn these two lessons quickly - your good depends on it.

Suggested Additional Reading:  2 Samuel 6. 12-23


15 "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." - Proverbs 4.7 (AV)

There is nothing more important for us than walking in wisdom - Wisdom is the ability to judge and act on God's principles for righteous living.  This verse tells us that wisdom is the principal thing.  Principal here means first, chief, or choicest.  Wisdom is the first and chief of all things, when we have that ability to judge God's Words and act on them, then we get results.  No wonder Solomon requested wisdom above riches, wealth, popularity and longevity.  Wisdom produces results because it acts on the righteous principles of the Word of God.   Do you want to see some results in your life, then act wisely, judge God's Words true and righteous and then act on them as though they are true.  What do you mean Brother Peter?  Many people say they believe the Word of God implicitly but by their actions say the opposite.  If you say you believe the Word then act like the Word is true - do what it says.  That's what wisdom does and that's what produces Word results.  Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Proverbs 4.1-27


16 "And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure." - Isaiah 33.6 (AV)

Uncertainty dominates the world - fluctuating economies and job insecurities are just two of the uncertainties that they face today.  The Scripture tells us that stable times come through wisdom and knowledge.  We saw yesterday that wisdom is the ability to judge and act on God's principals for righteous living.   When the world talks about uncertain times, godly wisdom turns that instability into certainty. Jesus said 'Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall never pass away.' (Luke 21.33).  I actually like the Knox translation of this verse, it says: 'Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words will stand!'  No matter how unstable the world gets - God's Word stands firm.  That's why wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of our times, they are both founded on the Word.  Note that our verse also says that wisdom and knowledge are the strength of salvation.  When we apply ourselves to wisdom and knowledge we shall have stability and strength of salvation (deliverance, victory, prosperity, forgiveness and healing).

Suggested Additional Reading:  Matthew 7.24-27


17 "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" - Matthew 7.11 (AV)

In the previous two verses we read that Jesus put to his disciples these thoughts:  If your son asks you for some bread you wouldn't give him a stone, or if he asked you for some fish you wouldn't give him a snake, neither would you give him a scorpion if he asked you for an egg (see Luke 11.12).   Then he tells them the words we read in our verse for today - and you, who are evil, know how to give good things to your children.  We would give our children things that are good for them. We wouldn't substitute the good thing for anything bad or harmful to them.   I really like what Jesus went on to say: "How much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him".  Just stop and meditate on that thought today.  How much more - Do we honestly believe that God will give us anything that isn't good.  You hear it time and again from some Christians, 'Well Bro. Peter, God gave me this sickness to teach me to trust him', or 'These things are sent to try us'.  Don't ever speak such things - God does not give bad things to His children, not once nor ever has He done that.  He gives good things to those who ask Him.  If we need to learn lessons, or be chastised, He does it through His Word, and not by giving us bad things.  Only good things come from God, bad things come from the devil

Suggested Additional Reading: James 1.12-25


18 "Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation" - Habakkuk 3.17-18 (AV)

When everything seemed to be going wrong for the people of God, the prophet had the right attitude.  We have two choices when we face a problem - we can either allow ourselves to become bogged down, worried, anxious and fretful over it, which incidentally, the Bible tells us not to do.  Else we can rise above them and give praise to God.  Habakkuk looked around him and saw many problems that were happening in the land: there was no blossom on the fig trees, no blossom meant no fruit.  Neither were there no grapes on the vines - no grapes, no wine.  Loads of work went into pressing the olives but still not enough oil was being produced.  There was little food as drought had affected the yield of the crops in the fields, and even the flocks were suffering great losses but Habakkuk chose not to allow these problems to get on top of him.  He came out with a great statement of faith - 'Even though these things are happening I'm still going to give thanks and praise to God.'  The Amplified Bible says for verse 18: "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the [victorious] God of my salvation!".  God is a victorious God, our praise is not for the problems but that our God is a God of salvation, deliverance and victory.  He can turn the situation around for you - so don't keep exalting the difficult circumstances, exalt the victorious God instead.  My father has a plaque hanging up in his house which says: Don't tell God how big your problems are, tell your problems how big your God is.

Suggested Additional Reading: Psalm 34. 1-22


19 "Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you--rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness [all] peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you [O Jerusalem], and His glory shall be seen on you" - Isaiah 60. 1-2 (Amplified)

Even though severe darkness may cover the earth, the Glory of God will arise and its light will excel over the darkness.  So arise from where the circumstances have kept you, rise to a new life. A life that is in the glory of God.  On one occasion Moses asked God for a revelation of the glory of God (Exodus 33.18),  God said that all His goodness would pass before him.  The goodness of God is His glory, His glory is His goodness.  The word glory in its rawest form means 'weighty or heavy'.  God is heavy in goodness - it's His goodness that will arise and cause you to shine, His goodness will be seen upon you.  His goodness will lift you from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you.  You are a candidate for the goodness and glory of God.  Peter said in Acts 10.38 that God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and He went about doing good, healing those who were oppressed of the devil.  Jesus went about manifesting the glory of God, everywhere he went He performed acts of goodness.  He is still the same today - let Him light up your life with His glory.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Exodus 33.18 - 34.8


20 "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich" - 2 Corinthians 8.9 (AV)

Grace - what a great word.  This word in the Amplified Bible is defined as 'His kindness, His gracious generosity, His undeserved favour and spiritual blessing'.  Wrapped up in just one word is all that God is. He is kind, generous, bestowing favour and blessing on His children.   I remember doing a series of beach missions some years ago and I heard one of the ministry team explaining about grace.  She said that she used an acrostic to help her remember what it meant: G - God's, R - Riches, A - At, C - Christ's, E - Expense.  What a wonderful thought, all the riches of God made available to you through the blood of Jesus shed for us at Calvary.  This is a great verse, worthy of much meditation, Jesus was rich yet He became poor. He humbled Himself and became man to die on the cross.  He took our poverty, it was nailed it to the cross, so that we might become rich and abound, abundantly supplied.  What an exchange, grace turns poverty into prosperity and blessing.

Suggested Additional Reading:   Isaiah 53.1-12


21 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success" - Joshua 1.8 (AV)

One thing that I like doing is cooking and preparing meals, I don't count myself as a chef, but I do like the challenge of coming up with a meal from a selection of different ingredients.  When learning to cook, if you are not quite sure what to do, you have a set of instructions to follow called the recipe.  If you follow the recipe implicitly the dish will turn out how it ought to.  These words in Joshua are God's recipe for success and prosperity - follow them and they will bring you what they say they will.  Obedience to God's Word is the foundation for success and prosperity.  So many people are in trouble in their lives because they have not followed what the Word says.  Miss out an ingredient, or a step in the recipe and the dish will turn out right. If we "observe to do according to all" that God's Word says and we do not "turn from it, to the right hand or to the left" (vs7), but rather "meditate therein day and night" then we shall enjoy prosperity and good success.  There is one word that  particularly like in this verse - THEN.  If we follow the recipe we will get a THEN.  Follow God's Words THEN success will follow.    A few days later Joshua had to face Jericho, even though God's instructions sounded strange and completely off the wall, he was obedient and he got his THEN.   The walls of Jericho came crashing down and they had a great victory. After that the much smaller town of Ai defeated them, why? one man in the camp hadn't followed God's instructions. Obedience always brings the Blessing and the breakthrough we need in any situation.

Suggested Additional Reading: Joshua 6.1 - 7.11


22 "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night" - Psalm 1.1-2 (AV)

This psalm contains some good instruction for living the Blessed life.  (1) Do not walk in ungodly counsel, (2) Do not stand in the way (walk the same path as) of sinners, (3) Do not sit in the seat of the scornful, (4) Take delight in the Law of the Lord (Word of God) and (5) Meditate in the Law (Word of God) day and night.  In order to live the Blessed life you will need to observe the instruction contained in Scripture.  The Blessing also comes by being united.  Families need to be in unity so that the Blessing may flow. Where the brethren dwell together in unity (Psalm 133), that's where the anointing is sent to bless. The scripture says that God commands the Blessing to work, life forever.  The world often use the phrases "Get a life" or "Start living a little",  but they have no idea.  Real life comes from the Blessing, the Blessing produces Life.  Do you remember the words of Jesus in John 10.10, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]" (Amplified) - that's the Blessing at work. Satan comes to take from you (steal, kill and destroy), the Blessing is at work to bring you into abundance.  We need to hearken to the Word of God, take heed to what it commands. Obey it!.  We need to allow God's Word to be the government of our family

Suggested Additional Reading:  Psalm 1.1-6


23 "When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?" - John 5.6 (AV)

This man had an infirmity for 38 years and was laid at the poolside.  The passage here gives us the reason for being by the pool.  At certain times an angel came down and troubled (stirred up) the water and the first person to get into the water afterwards was healed of whatever sickness or infirmity they had.  Jesus saw him and asked him a question, which at first may appear to be a stupid question, "Wilt thou be made whole?".  Of course the man wanted healing, that's why he was there.  However Jesus was dealing with a much deeper issue - this sickness wasn't all that the man needed.  This man was paralysed in his body, but that paralysis affected every part of his life.  He was unable to work and support his family, therefore we could say he was in the poverty trap.  Maybe his family were heartbroken at the thought of him being terminally ill.  This infirmity was the only thing on his mind, we see that from his response. Jesus offered him wholeness but he was blinkered and only saw what he thought was the biggest issue in his life at that time, he was captive to that blinkered view.  He was obviously sick, why else would he have been at the pool.  This infirmity was with him every day, he had it for 38 years, crushing him, bruising him, oppressing him; and "no man" would help him - this infirmity was oppressive.  Jesus released the anointing into his life and he was made whole, he received every need met - poverty eradicated, family joyous, no more sickness or pain, no longer in captivity to it and 38 years of oppression broken.  Then on top of that he had his sins forgiven, he received his jubilee.  Wilt thou be made whole? - the anointing will bring you wholeness today.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Luke 4.18-21


24 "Moses told the people, Fear not; stand still (firm, confident, undismayed) and see the salvation of the Lord which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians you have seen today you shall never see again." - Exodus 14.13 (Amplified)

Can you imagine the scene - the Israelites had left Egypt where they have been for 400 years, most of which had been spent in slavery; they had been oppressed, beaten and just plain mistreated.  The Pharaoh had reluctantly let them go after being on the receiving end of the ten plagues, but quickly changed his mind and went after them to take them back to Egypt.  So here they stood on the banks of the Red Sea, this vast body of water in front of them and the Egyptian armies hot on their heels.  Where should they go, they were in a no-win situation in the natural.  Moses seeks God and hears these words which he repeats to them.  "Do not fear; stand still and today you will see God's salvation".  God was about to bring them out of this no-win situation.  But they had to do two things: (1) Fear not - fear is the opposite of faith, fear takes our focus off of God and on to the situation. So God tells them - Get your eyes off the problem and on to me.   Then they had to (2) Stand still.  According to the Amplified Bible this means stand firm, stand your ground, stand confidently, without faltering and in expectation of what God can and will do.  Then God said to them, if you do this, today you will see the salvation of the Lord.  Look what happened, in a no-win situation God opened up a way right through the middle of the problem and delivered them.   Are you in a situation that appears like there's no way out?   Well now you know what to do - Fear not and stand still (firm, confident and undismayed) and you will see the salvation (deliverance) of the Lord.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Exodus 14. 1-31


25 "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live" - Deuteronomy 30.19 (AV)

This verse tells you that you are in control of your destiny.  God has placed life and death before you, the blessing and the curse.  Then He gives some really good advice; He says choose life that you and your families will live.  God has set this in order and He tells you that it's your call - it's up to you.  Life or death, you can choose.  The Blessing or the curse, you can choose.   Many Christians are praying earnestly for God to step in and intervene in the situations and circumstances that they are in without realising that they have the power to choose.  God will intervene but you need to begin by choosing life and blessing.  That means you have to deliberately make that decision; you do that with words, start speaking the blessing, speak the answer, speak forth life.  Proverbs 18.21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" - by your words you chart your destiny.  Stop speaking words of death and cursing but rather speak in faith words of blessing, life and victory.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Deuteronomy 30.1-20


26 "Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth" - Proverbs 6.2 (AV)

I want to continue with the theme that we looked at yesterday.  Have you noticed that those people who continually go around saying how bad things are always seem to be in some trouble.  Those who say things like 'I'm bound to get the flu, I always do', sure enough a few days later they are sick with flu.  God has given you the choice - you choose; our verse today tells us that we are snared (trapped) with the words of our mouth.  God connects what we say to the expectation of our heart, He takes what we say as what we are in faith for.  He is prevented from working in our lives if our words are always death and the curse.  There was a situation that arose in the lives of the people of God.  They had come up out of Egypt and were on the borders of the Promised Land waiting to go in.  Moses sent spies into the land to see what it was like.  You know what happened the majority of the spies came back saying that they wouldn't be able to go in and the people listened to them.  They began to say that it would be better for them to have died in Egypt, or to have died in the wilderness (see Numbers 14.1-3).  So God went on to say to them, "As I live, just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will do to you" (Numbers 14.28).  What you say, I'm going to do for you.  If we really believed that we would change the things we say very quick.  We are taken with the words of our mouth - so let those words be words of faith and blessing.

Suggested Additional Reading: Numbers 14.1-38


27 "So ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound—think of it—for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?" - Luke 13.16 (NKJV)

There was a woman who was in the synagogue while Jesus was teaching, she was infirm and bent over double.  Jesus healed her right there and she stood up straight.  This got right up the back of the ruler of the synagogue and he was indignant towards Jesus, even quoting Scripture at Him.  But look at Jesus reply: He said that this woman (1) was a daughter of Abraham.  She was entitled under the covenant to healing, it was her right as a child of God.  (2) She had been bound by Satan, Jesus quite clearly tells us where the root of this infirmity lay, and where the root of all sickness and disease lay.  Satan had bound her, you must always keep in mind that God is a good God and the devil is bad.   Jesus told us to think about that - all bad things originate with the devil, they do not come from God.  (3) She had suffered with this for eighteen years, the devil had kept this woman oppressed and infirm a long time. But that day she heard Jesus teach that the anointing would set her free, and she believed.  Eighteen long years of suffering at the hand of the devil was over, she was a child of God, with covenant rights.  (4) She was loosed from the bond, she was free.  She went home from the synagogue that day singing and rejoicing, "Satan had me bound, but Jesus set me free".  Brother, Sister, know this today, you are a child of God, the seed of Abraham, and as such you have covenant rights - the right to be healed, blessed, prospered, forgiven.  Don't let Satan steal that from you - be loosed from your infirmity, be healed, be free.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Galatians 3.8-16, 26-29


28 "The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing" -  Zephaniah 3.17 (AV)

Here in this verse we have a statement - The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty.  Let's just look at the statement for a few minutes:  The Lord thy God - meditate that thought, the Lord is your God.  Very often you hear Christians talk about God as though He were far off and has very little impact on them.  But this verses says He is your God, He is a personal God to you.  Paul learnt that secret, read what he says in Philippians 4.19, "My God shall supply all your needs...".  Make it  personal today, He is your God.    The next part of that statement says: In the midst of thee - Some years ago I was meditating on the verse found in Matthew 18.20 where it says that where even two or three gather together in His name, He is in the midst of them.   It is good to know that God is in the midst of His people.  The camp of Israel was organised in such a way that the Tabernacle, the place where God dwelt,  was in the midst of them.  All the tribes of Israel were sited around the Tabernacle, three tribes on each of the north, east, south and west sides.  Jesus promised you and me that He would be with us always, even unto the end of time (Matthew 28.20).  He is with us, right in our midst; in the midst of the church, in the midst of our families, in the midst of our very being.   The last part of the statement says He is mighty.  One of the names of God is 'El Gibbor' - the Mighty God, the Prevailing One or the Conquering Hero.  God is our conquering hero, He took on satan and won, He is mighty, He is victor.  This mighty victorious God is your God and He is with you today - there is nothing that can come against you and prevail.

Suggested Additional Reading:  Romans 8.28-39


29 "But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness..." -  2 Corinthians 12.9 (Amplified)

A messenger came from satan to harass and trouble Paul, this was the thorn in the flesh.  The Bible tells us that Paul pleaded with God about this three times, that He might take it from him.  Let's get one thing straight right now, the thorn in the flesh was not from God to keep him humble, it was not some condition or sickness that he had to endure to teach him a lesson in humility.  The Bible tells us that it was a messenger from satan, this was a demonic attack - it was as troublesome to him as a thorn in the flesh would have been.  Paul was receiving great revelations, which were penned down for us and we have as the New Testament - I believe that it was this the devil was trying to stop.  The Word of the Lord came to Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you".  Whatever we are going through we can be assured that His grace (His favour, mercy and acts of loving-kindness) is sufficient for us against any danger and will enable us to bear the troubles and temptations until they are gone from us.  When we are weak, maybe physically or spiritually, we have God's power and strength being perfected and fulfilled in us - therefore we can confidently say that we are strong. God has made for us a way of escape from the temptations and harassment of the devil - His grace.  Are you facing a trouble or difficulty today.  Go ahead and confess this: "I will not fear, I have the grace, the love, the mercy and the favour of God working for me today to bring me out.  I am made strong today, because God's power and strength is perfected in me, and is most effective in any weakness I may have". Now go ahead and give praise to God.

Suggested Additional Reading:  1 Corinthians 10.1-13


30 "And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation]" - 2 Corinthians 9.8 (Amplified)

Yesterday we noted that God's grace was His favour and loving-kindness.  Here in our verse today we see that God is able to make all grace abound towards us.  That grace (love and favour) which is showered upon us causes us to have everything we need.  Yesterday we read that His grace was sufficient - His love and favour is sufficient for all our needs.  Grace prospers us, look at what the verse says:  God pours out His grace so that we may have all sufficiency in all things.  All sufficiency (everything we need) in all things (every situation and circumstance).  And that you may have an abundance for every good work, would you like an abundance for every good work (charitable deed).  Don't you just like the Amplified translation above, God makes every favour and earthly blessing come to you in abundance so that you may always, in every circumstance and every need, have everything you require to meet that need and a surplus to give away and be a blessing.  That's true prosperity, having sufficient for your needs and to be able to be a blessing and give to another.  Meditate today on this thought, His grace is sufficient for you.

Suggested Additional Reading:  2 Corinthians 9.1-15


31 "For God is not unrighteous to forget or overlook your labor and the love which you have shown for His name's sake in ministering to the needs of the saints (His own consecrated people), as you still do" - Hebrews 6.10 (Amplified)

When we give, and minister to the needs of others, God sees that as seed.  He set the law of seedtime and harvest way back at creation, and re-affirmed to Noah that while the earth remained, so would seedtime and harvest.  When we sow seeds we expect a harvest.  Most years I plant seeds in the garden but I don't plant them in the hope that something might grow.  I plant them with the full expectation that they will come up and yield the harvest that it says on the packet, be it tomatoes or flowers.  A farmer does not just throw any seed in the ground in the hope that wheat grows - if he wants wheat, he sows wheat seeds, if it's barley he wants then he will sow barley.   When you give to others, God considers that as seed sown, and He is not unjust, unrighteous and does not forget or overlook that sowing.  He will bless and multiply the seed sown back to you.  You sow financial seeds, you will reap a financial harvest.  There is a well known and often quoted verse, Hebrews 11.6.  This verse says that without faith it is impossible to please God but it goes on to say that we must believe that God rewards those who diligently seek them.  God is a rewarder, let me say that again, God is a rewarder - He rewards your faith and diligence.  

Suggested Additional Reading:  Galatians 6.6-10



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